Project Management
While project management dependencies can be a useful tool for identifying different types of dependencies in software projects, they can also be too generic to provide a complete picture of the dependencies that exist between different components or teams. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them as the sole method for managing dependencies. Instead, they can be used in addition to other techniques for managing identified dependencies, such as creating a dependency board or planning a release in SAFe PI Planning or Backlog Refinement. By combining multiple approaches, project managers can get a more comprehensive understanding of the dependencies in their projects and take effective actions to mitigate risks and improve overall project outcomes.
Finish-to-Start (FS): This is the most common type of dependency. It means that a task cannot start until the previous task is finished. For example, you can't start painting a room until the walls have been plastered.
Start-to-Start (SS): This means that a task cannot start until the previous task has started. This is often used when two tasks need to happen simultaneously or when the second task relies on the first one to start. For example, you can't start cooking a meal until you have preheated the oven.
Finish-to-Finish (FF): This means that a task cannot be finished until the previous task has been finished. This is often used when two tasks need to be completed at the same time or when the second task relies on the first one to finish. For example, you can't take down scaffolding until the building work is complete.
Start-to-Finish (SF): This means that a task cannot finish until the previous task has started. This is less common but is used in situations where the second task must finish immediately after the first one starts. For example, you can't stop watering the plants until it starts raining.